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Former Insurance Company Attorney with Over 25 Years of Trial Experience

The Opposing Side's Knowledge Working for You

What Should An Injured Passenger Do After A Florida Car Accident?

Passengers who are injured in Florida car accidents are placed at an immediate disadvantage.

They were not driving either vehicle, had no control over the collision’s circumstances, yet are still are a victim of injuries caused by the accident.

These injuries will require medical care, time away from work, and other expenses that can place the injured party under severe financial strain.

What can a passenger do to pursue compensation for their losses?

At the Law Offices of Keith Bregoff, P.A., our Vero Beach car accident attorney understands that even though passengers had no active role in the collision, they still have rights and should take the right steps afterward to ensure a smooth claims process, so they are not left paying their expenses out of pocket.

Step One: Record Both Driver’s Information

Make sure to get both drivers’ information, including their driver’s licenses, registration, and insurance details, and wait for a copy of the police report, if your injuries allow.

Having each driver’s complete information on hand will allow quick access to their resources, so there is no delay in appealing to their insurance companies for your injuries.

Step Two: Seek Medical Care For Your Injuries

Before we can pursue either insurance company for your injuries, we must prove that you have suffered damages in the collision.

Seek medical care immediately after the collision and be sure to follow all the physician’s instructions.

Your medical records, along with the details from the crash, will provide the evidence we need to pursue the maximum financial recovery necessary for you to receive both short and long-term care.

Step Three: Hire An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

The claims process will determine which driver is at fault for the accident, and who is responsible for your medical costs, lost wages, and additional expenses that resulted from the collision.

Insurance companies never want to pay for the coverage their policyholders carry, so they will do everything possible to avoid claiming responsibility for the collision.

Their dispute will interfere with your ability to collect the financial recovery you are entitled to, which is completely unfair since you certainly were not the one who negligently caused the collision.

Our Vero Beach personal injury attorney will skillfully pursue your passenger injury claim to ensure your injuries are not overlooked by the negligent driver who caused the collision or their insurance company. After all, none of this was your fault.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, contact the Law Offices of Keith Bregoff, P.A. today by calling (772) 492-8967 to learn how our personal injury lawyer in Vero Beach will protect your rights and pursue the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries.

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